What Happened to JENA 6 ????????????
Everyone jumped on the bus / bandwagon and what has happened since not much.
How soon we forget, but Jena 6 is happening everyday all across America in every major city.
Visit your local court house and see how many of our youth are in court rooms instead of school, if we do not wake UP and begin to make juvenile justice an issue it just won't happen.
Why aren't we MAD!!!!! as HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is just another form of modern day slavery
"If they can entrap your mind the body will soon follow". Our children are being in-slaved mentally, emotional and physically. We as adults are continuing to allow this to happen.
We must be very clear that RACISM is alive and well and we must also understand that some people are just not as important as other's in this society.
If 80% of white children where arrested & incarcerated and left behind "Bar's there would be no need for this.... Blog !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Whats your prospective ?
You are so right we need to get more active what csan I do?
Pat Thomas, Norfolk VA.
Thanks Pat you can find a organization in Va. that advocates around juvenile justice issues and begin to educate your self and other on this issue.
We are an emerging 501 3(c) non-profit in need of your support as well to continue this long fight.
Give me a call I also can provide workshops for other who are serious to learning more about juvenile justice and violence intervention & prevention.
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